Congratulations! The Lord has blessed you with the graces to sponsor a candidate for the upcoming Cursillo. Since this is a very serious undertaking, here is a reminder of your responsibility as a good sponsor.

Bringing Your Candidate to the Cursillo
We ask that you make all the necessary arrangements to transport your candidate to and from St. Gabriel's Retreat Center in Clarks Summit. Do not allow candidates to drive there alone. Please drop off your candidates between 6:30 and 7:00 P.M. on Thursday evening. Do not plan to stay with your candidates, but allow the team to greet and get to know them. 

Palanca is not a fancy letter or special gift, but an act of prayer and sacrifice. Be sure to bring your personal palanca for your candidates with you.. The team will collect it as well as other palanca from you before you return home. Mail palanca to:  Julie Walsh///220 Pittston Ave///Scranton, PA 18505. Email to .

Closing Service
Sponsors should be present for the closing to be held in the center at approximately 4:45. The final Mass is reserved for team and candidates only. The closing will afford our Cursillo community the opportunity to properly welcome the new Cursillistas. All candidates will be given the opportunity to witness to the weekend. 

How to Prepare Candidates for the Weekend
You should call your candidates and remind them of the various articles they will need to bring even though they have been sent a letter explaining this. You should remind them that they should bring toilet articles, changes of clothing, towels and any needed medications. They should also bring less casual outfits for the closing. All food, bedding and blankets will be provided. Regarding the cost, you can tell them the suggested donation is $290.00, but if they can not afford that, come anyway. Remember, a candidate donates what is affordable and does so privately. Cost must not be a deterrent.

Post-Cursillo Sponsor Responsibility
At the end of the weekend, candidates will be given a packet of information needed to begin their Fourth Day. It will contain information on starting a Group, and in determining the direction the Group will take. If you are not now in Group Reunion, you may need to start a Group for your candidate.

As a sponsor, it is important you realize that it is up to you to start the new cursillista on the way of new found spirituality. We ask that you accompany your candidates on their way for the next six (6) months. After that period your candidate can determine to remain in your Group or find another, more suitable Group to join.

Again, congratulations and  remember: Christ is counting on you!

What are a sponsor's responsibilities?